Books from Gerald Peters Gallery: Max Webber

“Best known today for his monumental cubist and futurist images of Manhattan from the 1910’s, Weber also redefined traditional subjects of figures, still life and landscape to reflect a 20th century sensibility, and touched on virtually every phase of modernism prior to his death in 1961.”

-Percy North

Max Weber Santa Fe: Gerald Peters Gallery, 2000

Softcover | 64 pages | 25+ color plates | Essay by Percy North | $17.50


Gerald Peters Gallery  |  1011 Paseo de Peralta  |  Santa Fe, NM 87501  |  505-954-5700

The Gerald Peters Gallery bookstore is a small, community-oriented space dedicated to offering the widest possible selection of local, regional, national and international art books, from just released titles to out of print rarities. We also offer library building services, book searches, and appraisals. Please check out our publications link at:  |  505-954-5757  |  email: